Beezteez Chicken Snack Treat Roller

A fun toy made for chickens, simply pop some of your hen’s favourite treats inside and as they peck and roll the tor treats will be dispensed, great for run enrichment.



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Will this help my chickens with boredom?

Yes, offering run enrichment will help stop boredom and prevent your hens frompeckin one another.

Can you hang the toy?

Yes the snack roller can also be hung to offer a fun peck top.

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The Beeztees Chicken Snack Roller is a fun way for chickens to get their snacks. Through the roller, chickens are nicely occupied and get a reward through the snacks

You want to spoil your chickens with some treats every now and then? You can offer this to them by putting it between the feed, but you can also choose to use a Beeztees Chicken Snack Roller. By using the snack roller, the chickens have a fun activity that makes it a challenge for them to get their snacks. You can put the snack roller down on the ground so that the chickens can get a snack out of the holes by moving the roller. These snacks fall out of the roller due to the twisting movements the chickens make with the roller. You can also choose to hang up the snack roller with the rope provided. This makes it easy to attach the snack roller to the chicken coop or run, allowing the chickens to get their snacks. You can easily put the snacks in the snack roller by means of a twist cap on the sides of the roller. By removing this cap from the roller, you can put any desired snack for the chickens in the roller. After this, the chickens can get to work getting these snacks out of the roller again.

The snack roller has several openings of different sizes. So this gives you more choice of the snacks you put in the roller. So you can choose pieces of cucumber, lettuce leaves, chicken treats or mealworms, for example. This makes it fun and varied for the chickens. When the snack roller is ready for cleaning, you can wash it in the dishwasher on the eco setting.

The Beeztees Chicken Snack Roller is not only fun chicken toys but also ecologically responsible. This is because the roller is made of 100% recycled plastic from about 21 drinking cartons. The paper fibres from these drinks cartons are reused in the manufacture of boxes and toilet paper, among other things. In this ECO-friendly way, used drinking cartons are saved from the incinerator and reused to make new products. The rope provided is made from recycled PET bottles. This makes the snack roller an eco-friendly product but the chickens will also be very happy.

  • Easy to hang or lay down
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Made entirely from recycled materials
  • Includes included rope, made from recycled PET bottles
  • Fun entertainment for chickens

Delivery for Supplies

If your order only includes supplies

0-2kg Royal Mail 2nd Class – £3.50

2-30kg Parcel Force 48 – £7.50

30kg+ Parcel Force 48 – £12.00

If your order includes both chickens and supplies

When buying both poultry and product at the same time, your supplies will be packaged to be delivered or collected at the same time as your chickens.

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