Fancy Feed Layers Mash 20kg
Formulated to provide a complete balanced diet for all types of adult poultry. supports the dietry needs of pure and rare breed chickens by using the best quaility ingredients.
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What should chickens eat?
It takes a lot of energy to produce eggs every day it’s important that your chickens have a balanced highly nutritious feed either pellets or mash.
How long does chicken feed last?
Most chicken feed comes with a 3 month sell by, it’s better to buy the right amount you will need 100-150g per chicken per day

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Fancy Feed’s Layers’ Mash has been created to include essential nutrients to promote good health and well-being in your bird as well as supporting egg production. Quality protein with essential amino acids for tissue, feather production and egg development, Layers’ Mash is particularly good for smaller birds or older birds as it is easier to digest than pellets.
With micronised wheat for carbohydrate energy and fibre and Omega 6 fatty acids for egg production and promotes a shiny plumage, natural plant extracts from marigold and paprika create a beautiful golden yolk colour. This chicken feed is fully balanced with vitamins and minerals, with Sel-Plex® organic selenium to support the body’s antioxidant defence system and immunity as well as egg shell integrity. Medication free, non-GM ingredients
Delivery for Supplies
If your order only includes supplies
0-2kg Royal Mail 2nd Class – £3.50
2-30kg Parcel Force 48 – £7.50
30kg+ Parcel Force 48 – £12.00
If your order includes both chickens and supplies
When buying both poultry and product at the same time, your supplies will be packaged to be delivered or collected at the same time as your chickens.

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